
NACSO connects the communities and organisations that manage and conserve Namibia’s natural resources

NACSO, the Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations, assists conservancies and other rural associations to manage their natural resources for their own benefit, and to enhance conservation through Community Based Natural Resource Management activities (CBNRM).

NACSO is comprised of its members. There are full member organisations, and associates which include consultants, regional conservancy associations, allied organisations and the WWF in Namibia, which is a regional office of WWF US.

The NACSO Secretariat is a small unit based in Windhoek; it includes a NACSO Director and three working group coordinators. The Secretariat coordinates three working groups which are served by NACSO members and other specialist groups and individuals.

» Download NACSO's Strategic Plan for 2023-2026 for more information

» You can also refer to NACSO's Strategic Plan for 2011-2015.